NUU Android devices

MDM and NUU Assist Administration Across Industries

In the past 20 years, mobile technology has changed the way many industries operate at an administrative level. Even more significant changes occurred when the COVID-19 pandemic increased the need for virtual communications and remote work. Telehealth, remote education, online retail, and even food delivery all benefit from the newest digital advances, communication pathways, and high-powered devices. NUU launched our first mobile devices in 2015, and within a few years, our affordable Android-powered smartphones offered innovative solutions to administration in multiple industries. After the coronavirus pandemic proved the importance of those mobile options, we continued to expand our offering with more robust, customized products. We understand that no two customers are exactly alike, so we offer devices that can be fully tailored, including features of design, user interface, main function, regulations, and more. If you are looking for devices that will support your administrative operations, NUU’s enterprise mobile development solutions will provide the technology you need.

Benefits of Enterprise Mobile Development

Primary benefits of our enterprise mobile development are the full customizability of our smartphones and the mobile device management (MDM) capabilities they provide. MDM allows administrative departments to provide devices to staff for single-use operations. Devices can be reset, adjusted, and even remotely controlled for use in many industries. In areas like healthcare, MDM can be utilized with NUU technology for observation, record keeping, and other important functions.

Some industries that would gain administrative benefits by using NUU devices include:

  1. Healthcare: This industry is a leader in the use of MDM for many purposes, largely due to the growth of telehealth systems. COVID-19 made it even more important for doctors to see patients remotely, for patients to virtually track vitals, and even for patient record access.
  2. Education: Like in healthcare, many students were forced to move to a remote education system when the coronavirus spread. NUU creates devices that are smart and cost-effective for education, with a focus on keeping students safe through strong content control and data security administration.
  3. Shipping and other logistics: COVID-19 also threw a massive wrench into the global shipping and distribution chains for many products. MDM is an essential tool when dealing with the challenges of today’s global freight management. It helps increase productivity, centralize records, track shipments, and keep things organized.
  4. Food: After COVID-19 made in-person shopping a more dangerous experience, the food delivery industry thrived. Management systems that enhance delivery efficiency, accuracy, and record keeping are supported by MDM technology.

The NUU Mobile X6 Plus smartphone was specifically designed for MDM operation and remote administration. To learn about enterprise mobile development and MDM, fill out your NUU Mobile Let’s Connect form online today. Contact our technical support for device troubleshooting at (844) 688-3365 or [email protected].

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